Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Analog Verses Digital Receivers

 While some AM radio listener's insist on digital receivers, it's quite possible to recognize (and there are even advantages) to using the simple logging scales found on almost all analog receivers. At night, those big 50,000 watt stations are easy reference marks to bump up against and hear the smaller 5,000 watt stations.'s much easier to physically ''look" at a "digital" readout and use one of several reference materials on the web to verify your choice but the same results can be accomplished by listening at the "top of the hour" station ID's 'and phone numbers of advertisers'. The zip codes and area codes are also important.  

It's been long known that the orientation of the physical radio can null out strong stations allowing a weaker station to appear on the same frequency and using an external "loop" antenna can accomplish the same results. 

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Zoomer Radio AM 740

                                                                                  CFZM  I love these broadcasts from the golden age of radio...